

It is possible to add external services to track their vulnerability.

A service may be the Linux distribution installed on the server, the HTTP server, the application or database server, a cache component, a critical library.

To add your services, modify your project and add the desired services:


The status of the different services will be searched on the  EndOfLife application but also reported by an analysis of vulnerabilities from the NVD (National Vulnerability Database).

The naming of services complies with the rules of the NIST CPE (National institute of Standards and Technologies Common Platform Enumeration):

  • <vendor>/<product>

You will have a graphic roadmap of your services:


And a more complete list of vulnerabilities and abandoned packages:



Compatible services list

  • apache/solr
  • apache/http_server
  • centos
  • debian/debian_linux
  • golang/go
  • ibm/Java
  • laravel/laravel
  • mariadb/mariadb
  • nginx/nginx
  • ovirt/node
  • prestashop/prestashop
  • redhat/rhel_application_server
  • redis/redis
  • sensiolabs/symfony
  • typo3/typo3
  • varnish-cache/varnish

Start your first project !